Application and synthesis of glacial acetic acid (medicinal excipients)

Functional acidifier

In common use

Intravenous injection, intramuscular injection, subcutaneous injection, general external preparation, ophthalmic preparation, artificial dialysis, etc., the dosage according to strict medical standards.


Glacial acetic acid is widely used in pharmaceutical preparations, the main role is to regulate the pH of the prescription, can be considered relatively non-toxic and non-irritating. However, when the concentration of glacial acetic acid or acetic acid in water or organic solvents exceeds 50%(W/W), it is corrosive and can cause damage to the skin, eyes, nose and mouth. Swallowing glacial acetic acid can cause severe stomach irritation similar to hydrochloric acid. A dilute acetic acid solution of 10%(W/W) was used for jellyfish stings. A dilute acetic acid solution of 5%(W/W) has also been used topically to treat pseudomonas aeruginosa infections caused by trauma and burns. It has been reported that the lowest oral lethal dose of glacial acetic acid in humans is 1470ug/kg. The minimum inhaled lethal concentration was 816ppm. It is estimated that humans consume about 1g of acetic acid per day from food.

Post time: Jun-05-2024