Calcium formate uses

Calcium formate uses: all kinds of dry mix mortar, all kinds of concrete, wear-resistant materials, floor industry, feed industry, tanning. The amount of calcium formate is about 0.5~1.0% per ton of dry mortar and concrete, and the maximum addition amount is 2.5%. The amount of calcium formate is gradually increased with the decrease of temperature, and even if the amount of 0.3-0.5% is applied in summer, it will play a significant early strength effect.
Calcium formate is slightly hygroscopic and tastes slightly bitter. Neutral, non-toxic, soluble in water. The aqueous solution is neutral. The solubility of calcium formate does not change much with the increase of temperature, 16g/100g water at 0℃ and 18.4g/100g water at 100℃. Specific gravity: 2.023(20℃), bulk density 900-1000g/L. Heating decomposition temperature >400℃.
In construction, it is used as a fast setting agent, lubricant and early strength agent for cement. Used in building mortar and various concrete, speed up the hardening speed of cement, shorten the setting time, especially in winter construction, to avoid low temperature setting speed is too slow. Fast demoulding, so that cement as soon as possible to improve strength put into use.
Formic acid is neutralized with hydrated lime to produce calcium formate, and commercial calcium formate is obtained by refining. Sodium formate and calcium nitrate undergo double decomposition reaction in the presence of catalyst to obtain calcium formate and co-produce sodium nitrate. Commercial calcium formate was obtained by refining.
In the process of pentaerythritol production, calcium hydroxide is used to provide basic reaction conditions, and calcium formate is produced by adding formic acid and calcium hydroxide in the process of neutralization.
Anhydrous formic acid can be obtained by mixing formic acid with phosphorus pentoxide and distillation under reduced pressure, repeated 5 to 10 times, but the amount is low and time-consuming, which will cause some decomposition. The distillation of formic acid and boric acid is simple and effective. The boric acid is dehydrated at a medium high temperature until it no longer produces bubbles, and the resulting melt is poured on an iron sheet, cooled in a dryer, and then ground into powder.
The fine borate phenol powder was added to the formic acid and placed for a few days to form a hard mass. The clear liquid was separated for vacuum distillation and the distillation portion of 22-25 ℃/12-18 mm was collected as the product. The still shall be fully ground joint and protected by drying pipe.
Store in a cool, ventilated warehouse. Keep away from fire and heat. The temperature of the reservoir shall not exceed 30℃, and the relative humidity shall not exceed 85%. Keep the container sealed. It should be stored separately from oxidizers, alkalis and active metal powders, and should not be mixed. Equipped with the corresponding variety and quantity of fire equipment. The storage area should be equipped with leak emergency treatment equipment and suitable containment materials.

Post time: May-22-2024